23 abr 2011

Letter to the ISF Family

Not long ago, Ian started the ISF reminding us that there are still things to do for the world, that WE CAN do something for the world. That's how we started wanting to be part of this beautiful dream, through support groups in different countries.  We began to form the ISF family, a beautiful brotherhood of people who want to help the planet. We dream with a healthy world, a better place for us and for our kids to live and grow. We wish that “oil” and “spill” were two words that we never hear combine in the same sentence. We want to see people respecting, loving and taking care of each other.  
Yes, it is a beautiful dream that we have and a beautiful family to accomplish it together. But in order to remain like that, we need to organize.  There for, I ask you to keep this in mind:
·  If you are new in this and you want to start an ISF support for your country, please verify that there isn’t one yet. If there is, just talk to them and tell them that you want to help. No one is turning down anybody.
·  Same thing to the newest ISF support created, please check it and team up. Is not that we want to be the only ISF in our country, is because having two ISF support or more in the same country makes people confuse. Inside the group, it can be divided in different regions or cities to have a better organization of the work, but only one support group.
·  Don’t create ISF teams like ISF diary, ISF kitchen, etc. –I’m not giving real names because I don’t want to offend or embarrass anybody– I repeat, if you want to help just team up with the support group of your country.
·  “The more the better” is a phrase that only applies if we are working together. If we keep splitting out instead of making a bigger group it’s going to be a really big mess, without forgetting that if we work together we can do so much more.
·  Our goal is not getting Ian’s attention but try to collaborate with the ISF and its dissemination throughout around the world.
·  Try not to use the ISF original image because it is copyrighted. The same with the logos of the different ISF support teams. Make your own logo and avoid unnecessary future troubles.
·  Do not exclude anyone. We don’t discriminate people by any concept. If you want to help, that’s the only thing that matters.

Thank you all for read this. I hope we can do this and work together.
Sincerely, Cecilia (ISF Argentina Support)

2 comentarios:

  1. It's a beautiful letter about the ISF family .
    I love it :)

  2. thank you! =) i really appreciate that you all read this... thank you all =)... Cecilia
