6 abr 2012

Recycle! (part 2)

Reciclando Botellas plásticas
Las botellas plásticas son uno de los materiales que mas tardan en ser degradados por la tierra (aproximadamente 1000 años), su fabricación produce grandes cantidades de gases que contaminan el ambiente cada día más y además son causa de muerte de miles de animales cuando son arrojadas a ríos, lagunas y mares. Si bien en la actualidad la mayoría de ellas son reciclables, aquí les traemos otras formas de reciclar botellas en casa, para hacer desde objetos útiles para el hogar hasta objetos decorativos e inclusive construir una casa!

Recycling plastic bottles
Plastic bottles are one of the materials that most take to be degraded by the earth (about 1000 years), their manufacture produces large amounts of gases that pollute the environment every day and also cause death of thousands of animals when they are thrown into rivers, lakes and seas. While today most of them are recyclable, here we bring you other ways to recycle bottles at home, to make useful objects for your house to decorative objects and even build a house!

Empecemos con algo muy fácil. Cortando la parte superior de las botellas obtendremos contenedores aptos para distintos usos, como lapicero, florero, para guardar especias y todo lo que se nos ocurra.Además, podemos unir varios de estos contenedores, ya sea de forma lineal (como se ve en la foto) o tipo panal de abejas, para hacer pequeñas estantería y revisteros.
Let’s start with something easy. Cutting the tops of the bottles we’ll get containers suitable for several uses, such as pencil vase, flower vase, to store spices or anything we can imaging. Plus, we can join a couple of these containers, either in a linear shape (as seen in the picture) or honeycomb shape, to make small shelf and magazines’ racks. 

A continuación tenemos distintos tipo de maceteros, ideales para el hogar.
Next we have different kinds of pots, ideal for your home.


Yendo un poco más lejos,  podemos crear un sistema de riego eficiente.
Going a little bit further, we can make a efficient wateringsystem.


Con un poco mas de mano de obra, podemos cortar las botellas en tiras y entretejerlas para realizar todo tipo de bolsos y carteras, además de cajas y cestos.
With a little more of hand work we can cut the bottles into strips and weave them all kinds of bags, purses and wallets, as well as boxes and baskets.

Dejando volar nuestra imaginación podemos hacer montones de objetos decorativos, excelentes para regalar.
Letting our imagination free we can make a bunch of decorative objects.

Usando tiras de plástico, tapas o las bases de las botellas podemos crear una infinidad de lámparas fáciles de hacer y perfectas para cualquier lugar.
Using plastic strips, caps or bases of the bottles we can create an infinite number of lamps, easy to make and perfect for any location.

Usando las bases de las botellas podemos hacer hermosas cortinas como las que ven en las fotos.
Using the bottoms of the bottles we can also make beautiful curtains like these…

Y para la gran final, casas enteras hechas con botellas! Siguiendo un procedimiento parecido al de la construcción en seco, podemos armar todo el armazón de la casa con madera, utilizando las botellas para realizar las paredes y los muebles.
And for the grand finale, entire houses made with bottles! Following a process similar to the balloon framing, we can build the entire framework of the house with wood, using the bottles to make the walls and the furniture. 


Otro método es realizarlo siguiendo un procedimiento parecido al de la construcción en mampostería, usando las botellas a modo de ladrillo y cemento o adobe para unirlos. Después se puede revocar, obteniendo la apariencia de una casa convencional, o dejar las botellas a la vista para una apariencia mas original.
Another way to do it is following a process similar to masonry construction, using the bottles as bricks and concrete or adobe to join them. Then you can use plaster, to get a conventional house look, or leave the bottles in sight to get an original look.

Los materiales a elegir dependen básicamente de la zona climática en la que se va a construir y el uso que se le va a dar (permanente o provisorio como en los casos de emergencias tras desastres naturales).

The materials you choose depend mainly on the climate zone in which you are going to build and use that you will give (permanent or temporary as in cases of emergencies following natural disasters).

Espero que lo hayan disfrutado y ya saben que hacer, manos a la obra y reciclar!!. Saludos.

I hope you enjoy it and you know what to do, so lets get to work and recycle!! Greetings

Cecilia (ISF Argentina Support)

14 dic 2011

Now you can contribute!

Now you can make contributions!! You just have to choose the amount of the contribution you want to make and click on the button that says Get Involved! You just need a Paypal account or a credit card.
All the money raised will go to projects of social interest or will be donated to organizations and foundations that fight for the welfare of the animals and the environment. Thank you for everything. 

Ahora podes contribuir!!

Ahora podes hacer contribuciones!! solo tenes que elegir el monto de la contribución que quieras hacer y clickear en el botón que dice Get Involved! Solo necesitas tener cuenta de Paypal o tarjeta de crédito.
Todo lo recaudado se destinará a proyectos de interés social o se donará a organismos y fundaciones que luchen por el bienestar de los animales y del medio ambiente. Desde ya, gracias por todo.

12 dic 2011

New Year Project!!

We want to make a video to close the year and begin the new one with all the joy, and we want you to participate!!! You just have to send us a picture (the one you like the most, it can be a picture of you, your pet, with your family, anyone you want!) with the message you want, it can be a wish for the new year, a thanking, o whatever you want to say about what happen this year o what you would like to happen in the next. Or it can be a video (only commun formats mp4, wma, etc. no flv or rmvb) of less than 30 sec. where you tell us your message. Don't forget to add your twitter username! You have to send it to isf_arg@hotmail.com.ar using "New Year" as subject. You have time until december 28th to send your message!!. The video will be release on december 30th, that same day we will post the link on twitter and facebook along with all our friends!! Waiting for our message!! =)
Sinceraly, @IanSmexico @ISF_VzlaSupport and @ISF_ARG

11 dic 2011

Proyecto Año Nuevo!!

Queremos hacer un video para cerrar el año y comenzar el año nuevo con todas las ganas, y queremos que participes!!! Solo tienes que enviarnos una foto (la que más te guste, puede ser tuya, de tu mascota, con tu familia, la que quieras!) con el mensaje que quieras, puede ser un deseo para el nuevo año, un agradecimiento o lo que quieras decir sobre lo que paso este año o lo que te gustaria que sucediera el año que viene. O puede ser un video (solo formatos comunes mp4, wma, etc. no flv o rmvb) de menos de 30seg. donde nos cuentes tu mensaje. No te olvides de agregar tu usuario de twitter! Tenes que enviarlo a isf_arg@hotmail.com.ar poniendo "Año nuevo" como asunto. Tenes tiempo hasta el 28 para enviar tu mensaje!!. El video será lanzado el dia 30 de diciembre, ese mismo dia postearemos el link en twitter y facebook junto con todos nuestros amigos!! Esperamos tu mensaje!! =)
Sinceramente, @IanSmexico @ISF_VzlaSupport y @ISF_ARG

14 sept 2011

Ian Somerhalder says NO to Keystone Pipeline

Ian Somerhalder says "No to Keystone Pipeline"

Ian Somerhalder (star of The Vampire Diaries & founder of the Ian Somerhalder Foundation) is begging you to help. If you haven't heard about the Tar Sands Oil Keystone XL Pipeline yet, let us explain:

The Keystone XL Pipeline is a pipe system that will be built by TransCanada and will bring tar sands oil into the U.S. It will run from Alberta Canada all the way to Port Arthur, Texas. The pipeline will run through six states and under three major rivers. This sounds like good thing right? A way to make oil more accessible to the United States - wrong! If this pipeline is built it will have a devastating effect on our planet. More Information ...

To prevent this from happening we need to sign the petition and find alternative ways of producing energy. We cannot rely on oil forever. This is the turning point. Are you going to be part of the solution or part of the problem?

Please be part of the solution and Sign this Petition !
Ian Somerhalder already signed it!
Ask others to do the same!

Thanks to @Ktguenther526 and @AkiraRavens for writing the article.

12 ago 2011

Pollution in the “Riachuelo”, two centuries of neglect

The Matanza basin it is located to the northeast of the province of Buenos Aires, it has an area of 2240 square kilometers in which lie some 3 million inhabitants and is one of the most polluted river, threatens not only Argentina but the world is becoming a serious for the inhabitants of the Federal Capital and the suburbs.

As is it contaminated?
The main sources of pollution in the basin are land filled terms and industry especially in the food sector, these highly toxic, as lead, mercury, zinc, cadmium, copper, magnesium or nickel; hydrocarbons and their derivatives.
They are discarded River 8,500 tons of hierro-chatarra, including hulls of boats, skeletons of cars, trash of all sorts and a lethal Fund formed by numerous heavy metals settled in concentrations high and far from the rates internationally tolerated, with a thickness which reaches 7 meters deep. There is a surplus of 4,000,000 cubic meters of contaminated mud resulting volcanic organic waste dumps by industries in la Noria Bridge and La Boca from two centuries ago.

What consequences bring pollution?
The main effects of pollution are diseases, dominated by cardiovascular disease and the dermal tumors and diarrhea, caused by the breathing of nauseating odors and by contact or consumption of polluted water between other substances possessing heavy metals and nitrates. Poor sanitary conditions, the deterioration of the quality of groundwater and the recurrent floods that affect low-lying areas underscore the transmission and contagion.
But no less important are the consequences on the environment. The rivers, by its ability to drag and the movement of water, are able to withstand greater amount of pollutants. However, the presence of so many waste, fertilizers, pesticides and industrial waste alter aquatic flora and fauna. In unpolluted waters there is balance between animals and plants, which is broken by the presence of foreign material. Thus, some species will disappear while others breed in excess. In addition, waters purchased appearance and smell unpleasant.

Why is it important to help?
The rivers are the main source of drinking water of human populations. Pollution limits the availability of this vital resource for life. This is why it is necessary to support and promote campaigns requiring the rulers takes concrete steps for cleaning the rivers, in this case the Riachuelo, and the prohibition for the industries cessation spills, discharges, emissions and losses of hazardous substances in the same.

Yésica Gomez