Jueves 23 de Octubre de 2009 Fuente: Dirección de Prensa Por una iniciativa del Intendente Jesús Cariglino, hace diez meses se creó en Malvinas Argentinas la Planta de Reciclado de Residuos y Energías Alternativas. Con el objetivo de minimizar y valorizar los residuos tendiendo a reservar los recursos naturales y fomentando en los vecinos del Distrito una nueva cultura enfocada en el cuidado del medio ambiente. Este miércoles el Jefe Comunal inauguró oficialmente la Planta, acompañado del encargado de la misma, Claudio Valdovino, el Secretario de Gobierno Miguel Harari, el Director de Gestion Diego Cariglino, el Director del Obrador Municipal Carlos Vargas, Subsecretario de Gobierno Jorge Lopresti, entre otras autoridades. Ubicada en el Predio Municipal de Malvinas Argentinas, desde que comenzó a funcionar, la Planta ha tenido una producción aproximada de 1000 toneladas de material procesado que, según destacó el Intendente, es “basura que no enterramos, que no va al Ceamse, que nos ahorramos de pagar para poder enterrar y además nos queda un recurso que vuelve al mercado y genera un mejor ambiente para los malvinenses”, con una capacidad actual de producción de 100 toneladas promedio mensuales de material procesado, el circuito operativo de la Planta comienza con la recepción de los residuos generados por las entidades adheridas al Programa: 25 Barrios, 20 Centros de Jubilados, 35 Escuelas y Jardines de Infantes, y todas las dependencias municipales. Los residuos previamente clasifi cados son depositados en los contenedores que provee el municipio y luego recogidos e ingresados a la Planta por el personal de la misma para su proceso. Extraido de: http://www.malvinasargentinas.gov.ar/municipio/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1576&Itemid=9 Enviado por : Andrea Viqueira (ISF_ARG) |
26 abr 2011
23 abr 2011
Letter to the ISF Family
Not long ago, Ian started the ISF reminding us that there are still things to do for the world, that WE CAN do something for the world. That's how we started wanting to be part of this beautiful dream, through support groups in different countries. We began to form the ISF family, a beautiful brotherhood of people who want to help the planet. We dream with a healthy world, a better place for us and for our kids to live and grow. We wish that “oil” and “spill” were two words that we never hear combine in the same sentence. We want to see people respecting, loving and taking care of each other.
Yes, it is a beautiful dream that we have and a beautiful family to accomplish it together. But in order to remain like that, we need to organize. There for, I ask you to keep this in mind:
· If you are new in this and you want to start an ISF support for your country, please verify that there isn’t one yet. If there is, just talk to them and tell them that you want to help. No one is turning down anybody.
· Same thing to the newest ISF support created, please check it and team up. Is not that we want to be the only ISF in our country, is because having two ISF support or more in the same country makes people confuse. Inside the group, it can be divided in different regions or cities to have a better organization of the work, but only one support group.
· Don’t create ISF teams like ISF diary, ISF kitchen, etc. –I’m not giving real names because I don’t want to offend or embarrass anybody– I repeat, if you want to help just team up with the support group of your country.
· “The more the better” is a phrase that only applies if we are working together. If we keep splitting out instead of making a bigger group it’s going to be a really big mess, without forgetting that if we work together we can do so much more.
· Our goal is not getting Ian’s attention but try to collaborate with the ISF and its dissemination throughout around the world.
· Try not to use the ISF original image because it is copyrighted. The same with the logos of the different ISF support teams. Make your own logo and avoid unnecessary future troubles.
· Do not exclude anyone. We don’t discriminate people by any concept. If you want to help, that’s the only thing that matters.
Thank you all for read this. I hope we can do this and work together.
Sincerely, Cecilia (ISF Argentina Support)
Carta a la Familia ISF
Hace no mucho tiempo que Ian comenzó la ISF, recordándonos que todavía hay cosas que hacer por el mundo, que PODEMOS hacer algo por el mundo. Así fue como nosotros empezamos a querer formar parte de este hermoso sueño a través de los grupos de apoyo de los distintos países. Comenzamos a formar la ISF family, una hermosa hermandad de personas que quieren ayudar al planeta. Soñamos con un mundo sano, un lugar mejor donde nosotros y nuestros hijos podamos vivir. Deseamos que “derrame” y “petróleo” fueran dos palabras que nunca escucháramos combinadas en la misma oración. Queremos ver a las personas respetarse, quererse y ayudarse los unos a los otros.
Si, es un hermoso sueño el que tenemos y una hermosa familia con quienes lograrlo, juntos. Pero para que esto siga siendo así, necesitamos organizarnos. Por esto, les pido que tengan presente:
· Si sos nuevo en esto y querés comenzar un grupo de apoyo de la ISF para tu país, por favor verifica que aun no existe uno. Si es así, tan solo háblales y diles que querés ayudar. Nadie rechaza a nadie.
· Lo mismo va para los grupos de apoyo más nuevos, verifíquenlo y agrúpense. No es que queramos ser el único grupo de ISF en nuestro país, sino que tener dos o más grupos de apoyo en el mismo país confunde a la gente. Dentro del grupo, este puede estar dividido en diferentes regiones o ciudades para permitir una mejor organización del trabajo, pero solo un grupo de apoyo.
· No creen grupos de ISF como ISF diary, ISF kitchen, etc. –no estoy dando nombres reales porque no quiero ofender o avergonzar a nadie– repito, si querés ayudar tan solo agrúpate con el grupo de apoyo de tu país.
· “Cuantos más mejor” es una frase que solo se aplica si estamos trabajando juntos. Si nos seguimos separando en vez de crear un grupo más grande se va a volver un lio bastante grande, sin olvidarnos que si trabajamos juntos podemos hacer mucho más.
· Nuestra meta no es obtener la atención de Ian, sino tratar de colaborar con la ISF y su difusión a través del mundo.
· Trata de evitar usar la imagen original de la ISF porque tiene derechos de autor. Lo mismo respecto a los logos de los distintos grupos de apoyo. Diseña tu propio logo y así evitaremos problemas futuros innecesarios.
· No excluyas a nadie. Nosotros no discriminamos a las personas bajo ningún concepto. Si querés ayudar, eso es todo lo que importa.
Gracias a todos por leer esto. Espero que podamos hacerlo y trabajar juntos.
Sinceramente, Cecilia (ISF Argentina Support)
15 abr 2011
Colabora con ISF_ARG
Si tenes ganas de ayudar e involucrarte con ISF_ARG envíanos un mail a ISF_ARG@hotmail.com.ar con tus datos personales (nombre, edad, ciudad) así como tus habilidades e intereses, y nosotros nos pondremos en contacto. Ademas, también pueden enviarnos cualquier consulta o pregunta que tengan a nuestro mail.
Saludos y gracias por el apoyo
Saludos y gracias por el apoyo
3 abr 2011
ISF_ARG - Proyecto Día de la Tierra
Este miércoles 6 de Abril es el Día de la Tierra y estamos pensando en darle a nuestro planeta un pequeño regalo. Le proponemos a toda la Familia de la ISF de hacer algo! Esto puede ser: reducir el consumo de agua, limpieza de parques, reciclaje, ahorro de energía, etc. Cuidar de los animales y las plantas, así como del resto del medio ambiente. Tú también puedes participar! Junta fuerzas con tus amigos y familiares y establece una meta para ese día. Nuestro planeta estará agradecido! =) Gracias! Difunde la palabra. =)
Sinceramente el equipo ISF Argentina
Para aprender más acerca de lo que puedes hacer para ayudar al mundo desde tu casa visita la sección Eco Tips de este blog…
ISF_ARG - Earth Day project
This wednesday April 6th is Earth Day and we are thinking on give our planet a little gift. We propose to all the ISFFamily to do something! It can be: reducing water consume, cleaning parks, recycling, saving energy, etc. Take care of animals and plants and the rest of the environment. You can participate too! Join forces with your friends and family and set up a goal for that day. Our Planet will be grateful! :) Thank You! and spread the word =)
Sincerely, ISF ARG TEAM
To learn more about what you can do to help the world from your house visit the Eco Tips section of this blog…
'' I love that there are new ISF teams happening but you have to tell me that you're doing it. I need to let the ISFoundation know. All you need to do is tweet me first and talk to me. Please remember that using the ISF name is a real company name and using it has legal stuff so just tell me first please. This is part of what I have to do for the ISFoundation is keep track of this and it's getting hard. Also if you are under eighteen then you are an ISF Kids Army part. I'm just trying to help get this all right. I can't get you on the web web page they are making if I don't know about you and that goes for all ISF teams not just the Kids Army's. The ISFoundation is working on making rules about some things and they will need to be followed. I will tweet as it happens. My mommy is going to tweet some stuff to explain some stuff better so hold on a second.
Hi to all of you. First I'd like to thank everyone out there for all of your love and participation whether you are an ISF team or not. The response is incredible to the ISFoundation. As you all know the foundation is still very new. They are still working on getting set up. As with any new company this takes time and organization. Also with any company setting up requires many things on the back end that "employees" (that's you guys) don't know about or have to deal with directly. With that being said, in using the name ISF the ISFoundation needs to know. That goes for twitter, a project or anything else. They are in the process of developing a code of conduct which you will all need to look at when it's ready. Anything you do with the ISF name can have legal ramifications. For example. If someone has decided to do something radical and chain themselves to a tree to keep it from being cut down and is saying they are ISF they are putting the entire organization in jeopardy. All teams must go through Devon at this point via direct message if you are already out there and she knows about you for any actual projects that are going to take place and she will be reporting directly to the ISFoundation about them. The ideas are amazing but the projects need to be cleared just as with any company. If you want to start an ISF team tweet her and talk to her first. All teams will need to be listed with the ISF or you will not be recognized. Also legally the ISF has the right to put a cease order on anyone who is not following the rules that will be in place. They are amazed and so excited about all of you and want to do this the right and legal way. Thank you all so much for your time. If you have any questions just send a direct message and they will be answered. ''
Hi to all of you. First I'd like to thank everyone out there for all of your love and participation whether you are an ISF team or not. The response is incredible to the ISFoundation. As you all know the foundation is still very new. They are still working on getting set up. As with any new company this takes time and organization. Also with any company setting up requires many things on the back end that "employees" (that's you guys) don't know about or have to deal with directly. With that being said, in using the name ISF the ISFoundation needs to know. That goes for twitter, a project or anything else. They are in the process of developing a code of conduct which you will all need to look at when it's ready. Anything you do with the ISF name can have legal ramifications. For example. If someone has decided to do something radical and chain themselves to a tree to keep it from being cut down and is saying they are ISF they are putting the entire organization in jeopardy. All teams must go through Devon at this point via direct message if you are already out there and she knows about you for any actual projects that are going to take place and she will be reporting directly to the ISFoundation about them. The ideas are amazing but the projects need to be cleared just as with any company. If you want to start an ISF team tweet her and talk to her first. All teams will need to be listed with the ISF or you will not be recognized. Also legally the ISF has the right to put a cease order on anyone who is not following the rules that will be in place. They are amazed and so excited about all of you and want to do this the right and legal way. Thank you all so much for your time. If you have any questions just send a direct message and they will be answered. ''
1 abr 2011
Say what you think!
If you have an idea, project, video, article, etc, and you want to share it with us and the world, leave us a coment with your email and we will contact you, or send a message to @ISF_ARG on twitter, and then we put it on our blog... This is open to kids, ISF supports members, any one!! We want to hear what you have to say...
Dí lo que piensas!
Si tienes una idea, un proyecto, un vídeo, un articulo, etc, y lo quieres compartir con nosotros y el resto del mundo, déjanos un comentario con tu email y nosotros te contactaremos, o envía un mensaje a @ISG_ARG en twitter, y nosotros lo pondremos en el blog... Esto esta abierto para niños, miembros de los grupos de apoyo de la ISF, para todos! Queremos escuchar lo que tienes para decir..
Dí lo que piensas!
Si tienes una idea, un proyecto, un vídeo, un articulo, etc, y lo quieres compartir con nosotros y el resto del mundo, déjanos un comentario con tu email y nosotros te contactaremos, o envía un mensaje a @ISG_ARG en twitter, y nosotros lo pondremos en el blog... Esto esta abierto para niños, miembros de los grupos de apoyo de la ISF, para todos! Queremos escuchar lo que tienes para decir..
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